Sunday, May 20, 2007

Top Cities For Road Rage

Miami Tops Rude Driving List
Poll Shows Miami Has the Rudest Drivers of 25 Major U.S. Cities
By Miranda Hitti WebMD Medical News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
May 15, 2007 -- Out of 25 major U.S. cities, Miami has the rudest drivers and Portland, Ore., has the most courteous drivers, a new poll shows.
It's Miami's second year in a row in the top spot, according to the telephone poll of 2,521 adults, including at least 100 people from each of the 25 cities.
The poll was conducted by Prince Market Research for AutoVantage, a roadside assistance company, between January and March.
All participants were adults who drove at least 10 minutes during rush hour every Monday through Friday. More than half -- 58% -- were women. More than 60% were 54 or younger.
Participants rated their own driving behavior and the driving behavior of other motorists in their city.
Topics included speeding, talking on the cell phone while driving, multitasking while driving, tailgating, cutting into lanes without notice, and slamming on brakes.
Rudest Drivers
Here is how the cities ranked in terms of drivers' courtesy, from rudest to most polite:
New York
Los Angeles
Washington, D.C.
Sacramento, Calif.
San Francisco
Minneapolis-St. Paul
Tampa, Fla.
San Diego
Dallas-Ft. Worth
St. Louis
Portland, Ore.
Drivers Confess
In the poll, participants were asked about the top causes of road rage. They blamed bad, rude, or careless driving; anger, stress, or frustration; and hurrying, being impatient, or running late.
Participants were also asked how they had responded to bad drivers around them. Here are their responses:
Honk their horn: 35%
Curse at the other driver: 29%
Waved their fist or arms: 10%
Made an obscene gesture: 8%
Called the police to report the driver: 6%
Slammed into the car in front of them: 1%
Putting more police on the road was the participants' top solution for reducing bad or rude driving.
SOURCES: Prince Market Research: "In the Driver's Seat: 2007 AutoVantage Road Rage Survey." News release, AutoVantage.
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