Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Reclaim Life through Transition

One of the experiences that we can count on in this life is change. Transition. We are going along living our life and all of a sudden the way we experience life is altered. The changes we encounter can be varied, from the joy of having a new baby to the grief of a loved one dying. All transitions give us a new opportunity to reclaim our lives!

Many transitions have a sense of loss. Even if you are moving into an amazing new life, there may be times at which you grieve the old way of being. Here are some of the dynamics of transitions:

* A shift within yourself leads to an external shift.

* An external shift in your world leads to an internal shift.

* There may be an internal experience of shock, denial, bargaining, anger, sadness and acceptance.

* You may feel they are on an emotional roller coaster.

* Strengths occur that you may not have known that you possess.

* There can be many areas of personal growth.

* This can be a time of relearning about your world.

* There may be a realization of how prevalent the unknown really is.

* Transitions pick up the residuals of what we have not completed.

* Who you thought you were changes. This is a time of redefining and remembering the Self.

* Woven throughout this may be a sense of excitement.

This period of transition offers many new possibilities. We get a chance to reflect on what is important to us. We can become clear of what has been draining us. There is an opportunity to eliminate the aspects in our life that no longer support us (beliefs, people, stuff, etc). At various times we become aware that anything is possible, which increases our curiosity. What new changes might come from this? We become aware of how strong we are. "If I can move through this, I can do anything!"

The choices that you make during a transition will affect how your life will be in the future. I like to call this "webbing." Imagine a spider building a web. One thread leads to the next thread which leads to the next, and at some point the web is complete. Each thread is an integral part of the web. Are you creating your web with thoughts or actions of blame, shame or retaliation? Do you spend time in judgment of yourself or others? Transitions are an excellent time to become aware of your thoughts and feelings. What are you telling yourself about this experience? Are you giving yourself permission to feel? A helpful question to ask your self is "How do I choose to be today?"

Here are some strategies that you can implement to ease any transition:

* Create a routine for yourself.

* Surround yourself with supportive people (friends, support groups, hiring a coach, etc).

* Give yourself time for reflection (journaling, being out in nature, watching your kids play, etc).

* Simplify.

* Increase your self-care.

* Ask for help.

* Become sensitive to your intuition (listen, trust and take action from inspiration).

Transitions can propel your life into amazing new places, which can give you the room you need to reclaim your life!

Author: Lynne Morrell